
Latest Graduate – Off to College!


Britni, a recent graduate of the School of Health Professions at Townview, first began attending Girls Inc. nine years ago when she was in the 3rd grade. She believes Girls Inc. helped shape her into the person she is today. “It taught me about how to be a young woman,” she says.

Britni especially enjoyed Girls Inc.’s STEM-based curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). And, being able to interact with other girls her age made learning FUN! She was quick to make friends during the afterschool and summer program and considers herself a sister to many of the girls. Britni reports that her proudest achievement while at Girls Inc. was being awarded “Girl of the Year” at the end of her 8th grade year. It was then that she saw herself opening up and becoming a young woman with confidence.


Girls Inc. recently held a College Shower for Britni to congratulate her on graduating high school – and to prepare her for her college career (Special thanks to Capital One for sponsoring the event). She will attend Texas Women’s University (TWU) beginning in August of 2017. Her ultimate goal is to be a Pediatric Dentist – a STEM-based field – where she would like to help low-income communities with little or no dental support. Britni says she also plans to give back to Girls Inc. in any way she can, since it has been a part of her life for almost a decade.

Her advice for other girls at Girls Inc. is to, “Take advantage of the time in the program and get to know all the girls and staff around you. Listening and respecting [others] will lead to a lot of valuable life lessons learned.” Britni also hopes other Girls Inc. girls follow in her steps and attend college as well.